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Start a Scholarship at Hillside School

Scholarships and awards hold a special place in the heart of The Hillside School, a K-8 independent school dedicated to children with language-based learning differences. Scholarships serve as a beacon of encouragement for our students, fostering an inclusive and enriching learning environment that celebrates the diverse abilities of each child.  Our goal is to never turn a child away!

Creating scholarships and awards tailored to the needs of our exceptional students at Hillside School is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can make a lasting impact:

Define Your Scholarship or Award: Consider your vision for the scholarship or award. Are you looking to provide financial support to students with learning differences, celebrate their achievements, or honor a remarkable individual or cause that resonates with our community?

Determine the Contribution Amount: Decide on the amount you would like to contribute. You can opt to make an annual donation (a term award) or establish an endowment fund that leaves a lasting legacy while generating income for the future. Larger endowments can be paid in installments over up to five years.

Contact The Hillside School: Write a check payable to “The Hillside School Scholarship Fund” and reach out to us to set up your scholarship or award fund. The paperwork involved is straightforward and designed to align with your specific goals, ensuring that your contribution makes a meaningful difference in the lives of our students.

Encourage Ongoing Support: Continue to contribute to your fund and inspire others to join in. Your support and advocacy can help the fund grow, extending its reach and impact to even more students with learning differences.

 Types of Scholarships and Awards:

Term Award Gift:

  • You can start a scholarship for as little as $500
  • Your gift will be channeled into the General Scholarship Fund, which will be used to make annual awards based on your chosen criteria, whether it’s recognizing merit or supporting students with specific learning differences.

Term Scholarship Gift:

  • With as little as $500 donated annually, you can establish a term scholarship tailored to the needs of our students.
  • Customize the scholarship amount, the number of students to be awarded, and the selection criteria, keeping the unique circumstances, learning challenges, and strengths of our students in mind.
  • To ensure the sustainability of the scholarship each year, the fund must receive sufficient donations, either from you or other generous supporters, by a mutually agreed-upon deadline.

Endowed Scholarship Gift:

  • An endowed scholarship operates by using interest income only to fund awards, safeguarding the principal amount for perpetuity.
  • Begin with a minimum donation of $10,000, which will be invested. The awards are then paid annually, based on an agreed-upon percentage or fixed amount.
  • It’s important to note that the Hillside School manages all investments and administrative tasks, without any associated fees.

Initiating a scholarship or award at The Hillside School for our students is a deeply meaningful way to make a positive impact on their educational journey. Your generosity can be a source of motivation, inspiration, and empowerment for these remarkable students as they navigate their unique learning paths. By creating scholarships or awards that cater to the specific needs of our community, you contribute to an enduring legacy of educational excellence at The Hillside School. To embark on this meaningful journey of giving, please contact Silvia Vargas at today. Together, we can continue to champion the extraordinary abilities of our students and empower them with the skills and learning environment they need to succeed.